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Module in TfS including all the freights sent to carriers/forwarders based on bookings or freights added manually in the system. The list of freights consists of columns: Status, Body type, Unloading, Date added, Booking, Carrier, thanks to which it is possible to filter offers in the list. The module also allows manual addition of freights and Freight publication rules.

Module in TfC including all the received freight offers with current statuses. The freight published by the shipper in TfS or by the forwarder in TfF is delivered to each of the offered carriers, to the Freights module in TfC.

It includes: information about the shipper, validity of the offer, dates and places of loading and unloading, load parameters, vehicle and transport requirements and the person responsible on the forwarder's side (the forwarder's employee can assign offers to themselves).
The carrier who receives a price proposal (within regular cooperation) can accept it, negotiate (send their own rate proposal and describe their expectations) or reject it.
Once a transaction is concluded, i.e. when an offer is submitted by one party and accepted by the other, the carrier receives a given freight for execution - a transport order is sent.

Aktualne kursy wiedzy

Wiedza podzielona jest na cztery specjalizacje, które zawierają artykuły, narzędzia i wideo przygotowanie przez ekspertów z danego obszaru branży TSL.
Czym jest praca w TSL? Jak zarządzać biznesem i flotą? Sprawdź lekcje
Transport drogowy
Rozpocznij kurs
Lekcje obejmujące aspekty pracy w spedycji transportu drogowego
Rozpocznij kurs
Kurs dotyczący aspektów pracy w Magazynie.
Rozpocznij kurs
Kurs dotyczący aspektów pracy managera w przedsiębiorstwie
Manager w branży TSL
Rozpocznij kurs


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