Sprawdź interesujące Cię pojęcie z branży TSL
Wpisz tekst

Status of the order

a designation of the current stage of the quotation process for a given freight. In the Freight module the user can filter them by their status.

Statuses in TfS (and TfF for quoting with the carrier):

- Accepted - freight offer has been accepted by the carrier and the shipper.
- Waiting for offers - freight has been posted and there is no response from the carrier(s) yet, the offer is still valid.
- Search carrier - freight is created but not posted yet.
- Search again - no carrier has accepted your offer within the time limit.
- Initially accepted - freight posted by the user in TfS or TfF to the user in TfF, has been forwarded by the user in TfF to the user in TfC who accepted the offer. The freight is awaiting acceptance by the shipper in TfS, then its status will change to Accepted.

Statuses in TfC (and TfF for quoting with the carrier):
- Accepted - freight offer has been accepted by the carrier and the shipper.
- Make an offer - the carrier has received a freight proposal, it is valid and can be accepted, rejected or negotiated.
- Waiting for acceptance - the carrier has accepted the received freight proposal and must wait for the shipper's decision.
- Under negotiation - the carrier has responded to the freight proposal and has given its price proposal - the shipper's response is required
- Initially accepted - freight posted by the user in TfS or TfF to the user in TfF, has been forwarded by the user in TfF to the user in TfC who accepted the offer. The freight is awaiting acceptance by the shipper in TfS, then its status will change to Accepted.

Aktualne kursy wiedzy

Wiedza podzielona jest na cztery specjalizacje, które zawierają artykuły, narzędzia i wideo przygotowanie przez ekspertów z danego obszaru branży TSL.
Czym jest praca w TSL? Jak zarządzać biznesem i flotą? Sprawdź lekcje
Transport drogowy
Rozpocznij kurs
Lekcje obejmujące aspekty pracy w spedycji transportu drogowego
Rozpocznij kurs
Kurs dotyczący aspektów pracy w Magazynie.
Rozpocznij kurs
Kurs dotyczący aspektów pracy managera w przedsiębiorstwie
Manager w branży TSL
Rozpocznij kurs


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